
只是覺得很痛!有點希望這週對上銀河隊時Parky 能出賽Q口Q但又希望他多休息orz
Revs的後防沒有他真的差很多,不管是視覺上﹝喂﹞或是實質上的幫助,不知道以下這幾場我看得到幾場咧﹝畫底線的應該是確定看得到:P﹞...= =不好意思,全都是私心,休斯頓是要看

2007.08.11Colorado Rapids1-0Houston Dynamo
2007.08.12New England Revolution1-0Los Angeles Galaxy
2007.08.16Colorado Rapids3-0New England Revolution
2007.08.18Toronto FC0-2Chivas USA
2007.08.19Kansas City Wizards0-1New England Revolution
2007.08.23Los Angeles Galaxy0-3Chivas USA
2007.08.25New England Revolution2-1New York Red Bulls
 Houston Dynamo1-1Columbus Crew
2007.08.26Chivas USA  Real Salt Lake

Parkhurst knee injury a real pain

By Mike Biglin / Metrowest Daily News

FOXBORO - When Revolution coach Steve Nicol said following yesterday’s awful 3-0 loss to visiting D.C. United that everything that could go wrong did, he wasn’t mincing words. That’s because all-star center back Michael Parkhurst was forced to depart the field after just 37 minutes with a right knee injury, leaving his status in question.

They were feeling a tad bit better when the Revs medical staff made the initial prognosis of a hyperextension.Parkhurst walked out of the locker room carrying a pair of crutches, not using them.

It was a non-contact injury for the United States international, in more ways than one. He stepped up into the middle to clear a ball, but it skipped over his foot as he swung through it - completely whiffing on the boot. And just like when a baseball player swings and hurts himself, that’s what happened to Parkhurst.

 “I just swung to clear the ball, and I didn’t hit anything,” said Parkhurst. “My leg was obviously expecting contact with the ball, and I missed it.”

Parkhurst tried to get up, but instead stuck to the Gillette Stadium turf. “I’ve swung and missed before, and it hurts a little bit,” Parkhurst said. “But (today) I tried to straighten it (afterward), but it was just too painful. So I wasn’t sure what it was.”

He will return to Gillette Stadium early this morning for further evaluation.

Parkhurst was replaced by Avery John, who took over at left back, with James Riley moving to the center of the defense - the same lineup Nicol employed while Parkhurst was playing for the U.S. national team in the CONCACAF Gold Cup. But by that point, the Revs were already down 2-0, so Parkhurst’s injury was a key component to the dismal defeat.

 “No, we were awful before that,” said Nicol. “That had nothing to do with the game at all. He’s hyperextended it, and he obviously won’t be ready Wednesday (for a U.S. Open Cup game vs. Harrisburg). But all the signs are good that he won’t have any long-term problems.”
Said keeper Matt Reis: “James had played for Michael earlier this year, so it was something we had dealt with before. Parky is a key component to this team, so hopefully it’s not all that serious so he can come back sooner rather than later.

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Michael Parkhurst
據說,也不是據說啦,七月下旬MLS All Star 首發十一人有拍定裝照﹝?﹞,原本我是想將這組照片亮度調亮點啦...但光截下來就夠受了,還調。上圖是 Michael Parkhurst,這張照片我看不出他眼睛是張著還瞇著...但他私底下穿衣服的風格也是這一類的,清清爽爽地!:P我對捲捲頭跟眼睛漂亮、笑容很可愛的男生實在是很沒抵抗力啊!

這群人穿著球衣的樣子與便裝的樣子實在是差很多:Brian Ching﹝布萊恩‧輕←SuperLiga主播語調XD﹞就是一副臺客樣嘛...||||b不管是這張照片或私底下穿衣風格就是很夏威夷; Jonathan Bornstein 的便服貌實在是= =這人是十年後的Bornstein吧!﹝←誇張﹞; Pablo Mastroeni,我看到這張才注意到他右手臂可能刺有一大片刺青...

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