目前分類:2009 U-17 奈及利亞世少賽 (7)

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Photo from FIFA.com


看到U-17 第二階段對戰表沒?吼!你它馬的我的德國隊或許又要跟美國相遇了啦!!!且為什麼作掉巴西的代價那麼大...我也不願意看到Nati U-17對上我們德國家啊!!還有意大利跟美國,嘖。若是兩場都同時間我是會選擇看德國對Nati那場,因為美國的比賽我事後一定可以看得到﹝這就是為什麼我前年U-17可以看到Toni Kroos的原因之一。﹞...


只是我們德國小朋友又跟阿根廷在同一邊...這就代表我們又會在四強遇到就是了! ﹝←這個人儼然不把義大利跟瑞士看到眼裡。﹞總覺得這次好多我喜歡的隊伍都會在一開始就有機會交戰,U-20是這樣,連U-17也是...我的La Celeste跟La Rojita在同一邊...






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Kevin Volland / Photo from FIFA.com

Deutschland - Honduras 3:1 (0:0)

Ter Stegen - Basala-Mazana, Mustafi, Labus (53. Volland), Plattenhardt - Zimmermann, Yabo, Buchtmann - Götze (70. Hofstetter), Thy, Trinks (78. Malli)

Fonseca - Alvarado, S. Martinez, Fuentes, Aragon (70. Carranza) - Lopez, N. Martinez, Berrios (58. Padilla), Rivas - Matute (46. J. Rivera), Lozano

0:1 Lozano (46.) , 1:1 Thy (55.) , 2:1 Thy (56.) , 3:1 Volland (73.)

Marco Pezzaiuoli在53'分時將Volland換上,這小子上場後讓整場比賽的走向有所改變!!Volland在左邊路的拉邊傳中一直擾亂對手,幾次具威脅性的邊路傳中讓宏都拉斯的球員完全不知道該怎麼面對這位替補上場的16號德國人!我一開始是覺得Götze應該不會上,但不管啦,反正他這場也不是說不活躍,就是運氣又開始不好。

63'分對方隊長Lozano在門前猶豫不決倒是錯失了一個大好進球機會,真的很可惜,害我一直在想慘了又要被進了,且ter Stegen也是不果斷去處理Lozano腳下的球,德國門前門將與後衛間的默契實在欠佳。Hofstetter換上換下Götze時我有點訝異,畢竟我還是對Mario與Christopher兩人或許能在場上創作令人亮眼的進球機會有所期待,但......





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Janzer und Yabo / Photo from FIFA.com

Argentinien - Deutschland 2:1 (0:1)

Martinez - Pirez, Kruspzky, Marin, Balbuena - Espindola, Cirigliano, Bitancourt (65. Orfano), Gonzalez (75. Apaza) - Villalva (86. Sosa), Araujo

Ter Stegen - Basala-Mazana (82. Trinks), Mustafi, Nauber (82. Kargbo), Plattenhardt - Zimmermann, Yabo, Buchtmann - Götze, Thy, Scheidhauer (53. Janzer)


Photo from FIFA.com

看完比賽數據後我真的覺得我很對不起Mustafi,因為我一直以為上一場對上奈及利亞在禁區內造成點球的就是他,害我一直罵他﹝不過Mustafi跟Labus兩人位置差不多...連犯規方式都很像。﹞怎麼又造成點球!Mario Götze在本場比賽為德國隊進得的那一球應該是...Buchtmann長傳吧?過太久也有點忘了,看官網Highlight也看不出個所以然,但無論Götze他有否進球,這兩場比賽他的確是比其他人更踢出自己的身價。

兩位中衛上的配合真的要加強,Mustafi在點球後注意力不夠集中,一閃失被阿根廷抓住機會便又被進球,這怪不了他人的,只能怪自己。而隊長Yabo狀況也差,拉邊拉不遠也不積極...ter Stegen從被進了兩球後才開始發威也太晚,要不上半場的表現老實說就是守很差、運氣很好。Plattenhardt也是我很看好的左後衛,但是-_-a他竟然可以整場比賽下來讓我完全感受不到他的存在與防守....

是說我都忘了說U-17有三位小朋友得2009 Die Fritz-Walter-Medaillen,這是DFB頒給年輕球員的獎項:D

U 17

Gold: Mario Götze (Borussia Dortmund)
Silber: Reinhold Yabo (1. FC Köln)
Bronze: Marc-André ter Stegen (Borussia Mönchengladbach


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Photo from USSOCCER.com


我原本想放給美國U-17爛得,但是...啊~Alex Shinsky怎麼可以這麼可愛啊﹝L﹞!在CONCACAF U-17資格賽中我一看到Alex的照片我就尖叫,怎麼可以這麼可愛啊!再加上又是金髮!﹝←我是金髮控啊!﹞雖然McInerney也很可愛,但我真的覺得徐四金亮眼到我不得不好好來看看美國U-17。

Date - Time   Venue  
9   26/10 23:00
  United Arab Emirates
  United Arab Emirates
- Malawi   Malawi
  27/10 02:00   Kano
  Spain   Spain
  29/10 23:00   Kano
- Malawi   Malawi
  30/10 02:00   Kano
  United Arab Emirates
  United Arab Emirates
- Spain
33   01/11 23:00   Kano
  Malawi - Spain
  01/11 23:00   Ijebu Ode
- United Arab Emirates
  United Arab Emirates


美足協亦在十月十九日公佈U-17主教練所揀選的二十一人大名單「Announces 21-Player Roster for FIFA U-17 World Cup」,我手邊當然也有像DFB那樣球員生日及球隊的資料,但我比較喜歡下面這一種XD

GOALKEEPERS : 21 Keith Cardona (NY Red Bulls Academy; Glen Rock, N.J.), 1 Earl Edwards (Nomads SC; San Diego, Calif.), 12 Spencer Richey (Crossfire Premier; Seattle, Wash.)

DEFENDERS : 6 Zachary Herold (West Pines United FC, Port St. Lucie, Fla.), 4 Perry Kitchen (Chicago Magic; Indianapolis, Ind.), 20 Boyd Okwuonu (Celtic Green; Edmond, Okla.), 3 Tyler Polak (CSA Legacy; Lincoln, Neb.), 2 Jared Watts (North Meck SC; Statesville, N.C.), 15 Eriq Zavaleta (FC Pride; Westfield, Ind.)

MIDFIELDERS :  5 Marlon Duran (Latino Americana; Ducanville, Texas), 10 Luis Gil (Pateadores; Garden Grove, Calif.), 14 Carlos Martinez (Wilmington Jr.; San Pedro, Calif), 17 William Packwood (Birmingham City, Concord, Mass.), 11 Nick Palodichuk (Washington Premier; Battleground, Wash.), 8 Alex Shinsky (Super Nova FC; York, Pa.)

FORWARDS : 16 Juan Agudelo (NY Red Bulls Academy; Barnegat, N.J.), 19 Victor Chavez (Real So Cal; Fontana, Calif), 18 Andrew Craven (First Coast Kickers; St. Simons Island, Ga.), 7 Stefan Jerome (West Pines United FC; Davie, Fla.), 9 Jack McInerney (Cobb SC; Alpharetta, Ga.), 13 Dominick Sarle (BW Gottschee; Huntington, N.Y.)


Photo from USSOCCER.com


美國U-17自1985年在中國進行首屆世少賽迄今是唯一一隊每一屆世少賽皆參與的隊伍!美國足協﹝US Soccer Federation﹞在青訓發展以及整體架構上作了一項重大計劃:U.S. Soccer’s Residency Program,這是全方面教育以及提供食宿的國家青訓計劃及學程。這也使得這群國家隊的青少年們所表現出的團隊精神會更加凝聚,延續迄今,美國U-17在過去世少賽中所獲得最好成績是在1999年紐西蘭世少賽,那一屆美國U-17陣中有Landon Donovan以及DaMarcus Beasley,他們在半決賽賽事中敗於PK,僅止於四強;而在2007年南韓世少賽中他們晉級至十六強後面對到德國隊並吞敗。


美國現在將青訓結果以及希望放在總教練Wilmer Cabrera身上,這位哥倫比亞前國腳,代表過國家參與四十八場賽事,包括兩屆世足以及四屆Copa America賽事。而Cabrera在2007年10月被欽點為U-17國家隊總教練以前是在U-18擔任助理教練,並為MLS﹝Major League Soccer﹞尋找擁有才能的球員。入主U-17國家隊後,他在CONCACAF中北美洲U-17錦標賽中找到了他U-17最佳陣容,陣中自然包括了王牌前鋒Jack McInerny。在墨西哥Tijuana舉辦的CONCACAF U-17小組賽中,美國隊打敗同組的古巴、宏都拉斯、以及加拿大,並進了十二顆球,只被對手進兩球,但在晉級後,這場賽事卻因墨西哥境內爆發豬流感﹝Swine Flu﹞而宣布終止後續定名次之戰。





美國在代表中北美洲的四個代表出爐後,CONCACAF總監Chuck Blazer於四月二十七日宣佈剩下的比賽[決定冠亞軍及三四名]全面終止。因此次舉辦地為墨西哥Tijuana,但由於目前於墨西哥境內的豬流感(Swine Flu)災情日益擴大,再加上代表隊伍已確定,為了保護球員、隨隊人員以及球迷們的健康,不得已才終止剩下的賽程。


Tim Howard (1995), Landon Donovan and DaMarcus Beasley (1999), Eddie Johnson (2001), Freddy Adu (2003, Jozy Altidore (2005)

Jack McInerny (forward) , Earl Edwards (goalkeeper)

Jack McInerny / Photo from USSOCCER.com

「12」- 是美國U-17參與世少賽的次數,不要小看這數字,在本屆以前世少賽也才辦過十二屆,這代表美國隊每一屆都拼到參與世少賽資格,是所有國家中參與屆數最多者。



The YNT Blog 」 這是建在足協頁面下的Blog,他們在這之前是使用Blogspot來寫青年隊報導的。

USSOCCER Twitter」 在比賽文轉上很詳細喔XD

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Photo from uefa.com

[Oct 22]

Date - Time   Venue  
1   25/10 02:00   Abuja   Nigeria   Nigeria - Germany   Germany
2   24/10 23:00   Abuja   Honduras   Honduras - Argentina   Argentina
13   27/10 23:00   Abuja   Argentina   Argentina - Germany   Germany
14   28/10 02:00   Abuja   Nigeria   Nigeria - Honduras   Honduras
25   30/10 23:00   Abuja   Germany   Germany - Honduras   Honduras
26   30/10 23:00   Bauchi   Argentina   Argentina - Nigeria   Nigeria



[Oct 20]

我看到nofumi家「Pablito Pablito Pablito Aimar」已經弄好/更新阿根廷的資料了= =|||我壓力好大喔......

可是我除了德國外,還有美國跟烏拉圭耶,這次德國U-17運氣真的很好,在世少賽小組賽中的對手不是別人,正是...上一屆世少賽冠軍兼地主國:奈及利亞,以及阿根廷,加宏都拉斯﹝默﹞!馬的誰抽得爛籤?抽籤者不是別人,正是前任奈及利亞最安全的手、參與過1994、98年世足的門將:Peter Rufai以及前奈及利亞女足球員Mercy Akide Udoh兩人所抽出。Peter Rufai事後對此發表些許言論說,抽到歐洲冠軍以及阿根廷跟地主國同組真的不能怪他,一切都是佛祖[命運]的安排...

“Nobody should blame me for picking Germany. After all, there were Spain and Italy in that same pot. Would they have preferred Spain or Italy

FIFA副主席Jack Warner說A組是本次U-17世足中的死亡之組,奈及利亞U-17教練John Obuh見到分組結果後按照慣例回答媒體提問:你覺得你們的對手如何?

“There is no minor in football again. Since the draw many people have been talking about Argentina and Germany but I tell you that Honduras should not be under-rated. I truly wanted a good team and having Germany and Argentina will make us sit up. There is no cause for alarm”



Mario Götze / Photo from uefa.com


德國在過去U-17世少賽中很難成為這賽事的熟面孔,但現在卻不同了,在Marco Pezzaiuoli 帶領之下,德國U-17這幾年取得過去不曾獲得到的莫大成就!上一次參與這賽事是在2007年南韓世少賽,德國最後拿到了第三名,因為在半決賽中輸給了之後的冠軍:奈及利亞,使得德國只能去踢季軍賽。這次到西非去,德國隊除了上一屆的恩怨外,更可回溯到1985年時的中國世少賽決賽,那場比賽中德國以2:0輸給了黃金之鷹:奈及利亞,使得德國﹝西德﹞與冠軍絕緣,且這一場也是德國U-17隊史中唯一一次踢到決賽。之後他們參與四屆世少賽,而這當中最令人注目的是在1997年埃及世少賽中獲得第四名;在兩德未統一之時,1989年蘇格蘭世少賽,東德German Democratic Republic (DDR) 踢到了八強,這是他們在世少賽中最好的成績。


現在德國U-17的陣容可是自兩德統一以來足協一直在努力耕耘足球種子終得以開花綻放的好結果之一。U-17教練Pezzaiuoli帶領隊伍拿下歐洲U-17冠軍後,想當然爾自然是想在奈及利亞更上一層樓!因他們在歐洲賽事中獲取得好成績使得德國成為人們心中冠軍的候選隊伍之一,這群在自家所舉辦的歐少賽中以不敗之姿在決賽加時時以2:1擊敗荷蘭拿下勝利、在親友同胞們面前光耀德意志之名的歐洲冠軍,在隊長Reinhold Yabo領軍之下不僅以決賽階段賽事進十三顆進球令人印象深刻外,他們防守能力也不覷,五場比賽下來只讓對手進了兩球!種種跡象顯示出這群年輕小伙子們所擁有的能力:有著創造攻擊機會的極佳能力與欲望。


This Is It!德國U-17到奈及利亞的道路可說是通行無阻,拿到歐洲冠軍的他們自然是渴望將世界冠軍的獎盃與頭銜列在他們的史冊中!說德國人才輩出並不是在自誇、擁有許多有天份的球員也不是在吹牛。Pezzaiuoli使手下這群年輕人的能力在比賽中能力及特性能全然發揮,身體能力上的逐漸健壯以及進球嗅覺,不輕易認輸以及求勝心切,都些都是德國足協總監運動Matthias Sammer多年以來一直給於青年球隊的概念與實行準則。

事實上,U-17陣中已有四位小將在歐少賽時被成人隊教練Joachim Löw所注意以及點名:「Mario Götze 在這一系列比賽中最令人印象深刻,還有2號、7號、以及9號。當然,所有球員的表現都很不錯。」這位前Freiburg攻擊手所點名的另外三位球員當然就是指效力於科隆﹝1. FC Köln﹞的Bienvenue Basala-Mazana、利物浦﹝Liverpool FC﹞中場Christopher Buchtmann、以及不萊梅﹝Wender Bremen﹞前鋒Lennart Thy


Marcel Witeczek (1985), Fabian Ernst (1995), Sebastian Kehl (1997), Sebastian Deisler (1997), Thomas Hitzlsperger (1999), Toni Kroos (2007)

Bienvenue Basala-Mazana (Defener), Shkodran Mustafi (Defender), Mario Götze (Midfielder), Christopher Buchtmann (Midfielder), Lennart Thy (Forward)



Das Team
21   Jonas Ermes 02.04.1992 VfL Bochum -   -
12   Bernd Leno 04.03.1992 VfB Stuttgart 4   -
1   Marc-André ter Stegen 30.04.1992 Borussia M'gladbach 15   -
15   Christopher Avevor 11.02.1992 Hannover 96 -   -
2   Bienvenue Basala-Mazana 02.01.1992 1. FC Köln 16   1
13   Daniel Hofstetter 04.07.1992 TSV 1860 München -   -
4   Robert Labus 10.10.1992 Hamburger SV 10   1
5   Shkodran Mustafi 17.04.1992 FC Everton 14   3
6   Gerrit Nauber 13.04.1992 Bayer 04 Leverkusen 11   -
3   Marvin Plattenhardt 26.01.1992 1. FC Nürnberg 15   -
7   Christopher Buchtmann 25.04.1992 FC Liverpool 8   1
10   Mario Götze 03.06.1992 Borussia Dortmund 9   2
17   Manuel Janzer 07.03.1992 VfB Stuttgart 9   2
14   Yunus Malli 24.02.1992 Borussia M'gladbach 14   -
19   Florian Trinks 11.03.1992 Werder Bremen 17   5
8   Reinhold Yabo 10.02.1992 1. FC Köln 16   1
18   Matthias Zimmermann 16.06.1992 Karlsruher SC 15   -
11   Abu-Bakarr Kargbo 21.12.1992 Hertha BSC Berlin 9   -
20   Kevin Scheidhauer 13.03.1992 VfL Wolfsburg 8   3
9   Lennart Thy 25.02.1992 Werder Bremen 17   9
16   Kevin Volland 30.07.1992 TSV 1860 München -   -

© DFB 15.10.2009
Kader der U 17-Nationalmannschaft für die WM in Nigeria vom 24. Oktober bis 15. November

咦?!我當時在ptt德甲版中寫得U-17筆記我全都沒放在這裡來耶...是怎樣?XD以下很雜亂,但我覺得在歐少賽中最讓我爽快的一件事就是英格蘭被淘汰了哈哈哈哈!雖然他們有Jose Baxter﹝他的英超初登場我還有寫心得呢!﹞跟Jack Wilshere...但是...身為英格蘭籍本身就是種原罪啊。﹝好啦只是我不支持可以嗎XD﹞

ter Stegen在德國對上土耳其之戰中第一次撲救真的很精彩,可惜球沒護好還是被Sari一腳補進,但ter Stegen絕對是個很不錯的門將~!總覺得他跟Oliver Kahn有點像:)左邊後衛Plattenhardt表現很傑出,值得一看的還有來自BVB的Götze

左後衛Marvin Plattenhardt的傳球技巧以及腳下技巧,轉身/回防速度也很快!而在利記青年隊的Christopher Buchtmann這幾場比賽表現傑出,這屆真的出了很多很出色的球員呢。

Marco Pezzaiuoli / Photo from uefa.com

我要感謝Marco Pezzaiuoli!在他帶領之下的U-17,雖說不像前年那樣在陣中有Toni Kroos那般才華洋溢的球員,但這四場比賽才是我想看的德國隊!除了去年U-19歐青賽外,真的沒想到連U-17都可以踢得這麼出色:尤其是在看了不少場不是說很精彩且有時總令些許人搖頭的成人隊比賽後......

Marc-André ter Stegen,這位葛蘭巴赫出身的門將,在德國隊於小組賽第一場賽事對上土耳其時我便覺得他整個人在場上所表現出的成熟度以及技術、態度以及風格都讓我想到Oliver Kahn,真的,看到他讓我好期待他的未來!!

Basala-Mazana以及Plattenhardt這兩位邊後衛在防守上的表現,只要有看比賽的人都看得出他們倆再加上中衛Mustafi+Labus這組合讓德國隊在四場比賽中只失一球:那是在第一場對上土耳其時才....BVB出身的小將Mario Götze很出色,不管是在盤帶控球以及傳球技術、搶點上的意識都很好,再加上Buchtmann的企圖心,造就了德國隊四場比賽全都取勝的關鍵點之一。



感謝Marco Pezzaiuoli,你讓我現在開始期待起兩年後的U-19、三年後的U-21,以及奧運....:)

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[May 05]

2009 UEFA European Under-17 Championship是我們可以直接觀看所謂的"未來之星"表現並綻放光芒的最佳時機!

在今年度以前,有許多你曾聽過大名鼎鼎的且現正處巔峰期的球員中,多半從U-16﹝U-17前身﹞便展現出自己的實力,像是Iker Casillas、Clemens Fritz、Thierry Henry、Luís Figo、Wayne Rooney、Cristiano Ronaldo、Cesc Fàbregas、Theo Walcott、Bojan Krkić,甚至是去年的年輕新星Batuhan Karadeniz以及Danijel Aleksić 都已開始參與成人國家隊賽事,U-17比賽是一個能讓人看到未來的、可能會成為下一世代最傑出的球員機會之舞臺。

[May 04]


Ercan tasked with Terim's U17 plan

Monday 4 May 2009 / by Türker Tozar from Istanbul

A year ago Turkey reached the UEFA European Under-17 Championship semi-finals on home soil; having qualified again this season they begin their campaign on 6 May with what will be a well-attended match against hosts Germany in Erfurt. Former Turkey left-back Abdullah Ercan, a 2002 FIFA World Cup bronze-medallist, took over the U17 team ahead of their successful Elite round campaign in March and told uefa.com about the challenges he has faced, and indeed the team will face in the group stage against the hosts, England and the Netherlands.

uefa.com: You were appointed after Turkey qualified for the Elite Round. Did you revamp the squad or change the tactics?

Abdullah Ercan:
Turkey coach Fatih Terim requested administrative change to be carried out in order to create a consistent playing style for all the national teams from U15 to seniors. Turkey assistant coach Metin Tekin became the technical director of the U15, U16 and U17 national teams so that there is increased communication between youth sides and the senior side. First thing we did after my appointment was to settle a playing system by using the tactics of the senior team such as 4-3-3, 4-1-4-1 and sometimes 4-5-1. Essentially making midfield and attacking modifications without changing the defensive lineup.

uefa.com: Turkey won the Winter Tournament in Israel, finished second at the La Manga tournament and finally won their Elite Round group. Does that mean you were able to communicate your philosophy to the squad?

We were only able to reach the 30 per cent of our targets. It was not easy to do that because they had been playing with a different formation over the last two years. They improved their passing and positioning. However, now we need to focus on finishing touches where we have the biggest problem.

uefa.com: Turkey had to beat Finland in their last qualifier to reach the finals. What made the job so hard for your team?

The Elite round is quite stressful because only the group winners can advance to the finals. That makes players nervous during games. That's what happened to us. Secondly, dramatic changes can happen to the performances of young players related to puberty, their family or girlfriend problems. Lastly, if our matches are analysed, we had many chances to score. Against Romania we hit the bar three times and missed five clear opportunities in the last five minutes against Wales. Our final match against Finland could have ended with a score like 7-0. It was all about the finishing.

uefa.com: What do you like most about your team?

We are on a nine-game unbeaten run: Five wins and four draws. One of the most important attributes of our team is we never surrender. If we concede, we react immediately. That very important. There is a good friendship within the side too.

uefa.com: How do you see your chances in the finals?

I totally believe our players will be more comfortable in Germany. Now that they are among the final eight teams, they will have more confidence. Six or seven of our squad are based in Germany so they are used to the environment and climate which is another plus. I have faith in the quality of my players. Speaking about our opponents, they all play similarly to their senior sides. This team hasn't played our [group] opponents except for the Netherlands. England have always been physically strong but we don't know much about Germany. We attach special importance to opening matches. Our first game will be against the hosts and we expect a lot of Turkish supporters. The first target is to win the opener, then claim a top-four finish and finally to win the tournament. We also aim to reach the FIFA U-17 World Cup in Nigeria [by finishing in the top three in their group].

©uefa.com 1998-2009. All rights reserved.

[May 01]

一些關於對手的動向,大名單以及重點球員@@上面是B組四位教練Mario Pezzaiuoli(德), Abdullah Ercan(土), Albert Stuivenberg(荷) , John Peacock(英)

"Yenilgiyi kabullenmeyenler" finallerde」土耳其隊十八人大名單~

1 Deniz Mehmet (West Ham United),2 Okan Alkan (Fenerbahçe),3 Nurettin Kayaoğlu (FC Schalke 04), 4 Oğulcan Gökçe (Altay),5 Furkan Şeker (Beşiktaş A.Ş.),6 Ohran Gülle (Beşiktaş A.Ş.),7 Berkin Arslan  (Galatasaray A.Ş.),8 Deniz Herber (St. Pauli),9 Muhammet Demir (Bursaspor),10 Gökhan Töre (Chelsea), 11 Hasan Ahmet Sari (Trabzonspor A.Ş.),12 Sercan Hacioğlu (Beşiktaş A.Ş.),13 Barış Yardımcı (Fenerbahçe),14 Engin Bekdemir  (PSV Eindhoven),15 Sezer Özmen (Beşiktaş A.Ş.),16 Ömer Ali Şahiner (Konya Şekerspor),17 Onur Karakabak (Sakaryaspor A.Ş.),18 Kamil Ahmet Cörekçi  (Millvall FC)

Onder 17: namen, cijfers & feiten」荷蘭隊大名單,雖然我知道荷蘭文是英文與德文的綜合體,但還是很苦手啊lol

1 Patrick ter Mate (Vitesse/AGOVV) , 2 Ruben Ligeon (Ajax) , 3 Stefan de Vrij (Feyenoord) , 4 Dico Koppers (Ajax) , 5 Martijn De Vries (Excelsior R.) , 6 Jerry van Ewijk  (Vitesse/AGOVV) , 7 Shabir Isoufi (Feyenoord) , 8 Osama Rashid (Feyenoord) , 9 Luc Castaignos (Feyenoord) , 10 Oguzhan Özyakup (Arsenal) , 11 Nygel Velder (Feyenoord),12 Jöel Veltman Ajax) , 13 Rangelo Janga (Excelsior R.) , 14 Mohamed Madmar (AZ) , 15 Bob Schepers (sc Cambuur Leeuwarden) , 16 Warner Hahn (Ajax) , 17 Mats van Huijgevoort (Feyenoord) , 18 Ryan Bouwmeester (Feyenoord)

英格蘭的話自己看FA.com,我只知道有Jose Baxter!因我在去年八月時就聽聞並看過他首場英超亮相!

[Sun Aug 17 00:09:31 2008]
Jose Baxter上場後,原本停滯不前的局勢有所改變!!他真的很讚!又是一隻初生之犢不怕虎的鐵例:他上場真的讓我想到上一季西漢姆那位Sears!不過Baxter真的很可惜,沒像Sears在英超亮相第一場比賽就進球....

#37 Jose Baxter
Born:7/02/1992 in Bootle, Liverpool / Position: Forward

Jose Baxter has been at Everton since he was just 6 years old!
Born in Liverpool in February 1992, he joined the Everton first-team squad that toured Switzerland and America during the pre-season…just two months after leaving school!A player of immense natural talent he can perform in midfield or attack and has represented England at every age group up to Under-17s.He scored his first goal for the senior team when he equalized at Nottingham Forest in a friendly match in July 2008.


Peacock ponders England expectations

Friday 1 May 2009 / by Paul Saffer

On Wednesday John Peacock will lead England in the UEFA European Under-17 Championship finals for the fifth time in seven years. They were runners-up two years ago, and having qualified from a group containing Serbia, Portugal and Hungary with a game to spare, this season's squad are in position to do well again even though they are up against the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey in a tough pool. Peacock spoke to uefa.com about England's chances of success.

uefa.com: Did you expect to qualify with a game to spare?

John Peacock:
If you had said before that we would ever have got to that situation I would never have believed you. I think without doubt it was one of the toughest groups of the seven. I'm pleased to have come out of the group unscathed with nine points but it was a really difficult one to come out of.

uefa.com: Can you reach the final again?

We'll be delighted if we did go that far. But I'm looking at the eight teams in the tournament and I think any one of these eight could potentially win it, no doubt about that. It's probably the strongest since I've been involved with the FA, about seven years, and I just think we're glad to be here in a [FIFA U-17] World Cup year, with the mindset of trying to get to the semi-finals at least and go from there.

uefa.com: What do you know about your group opponents?

Very little, if I'm honest. If you look at the other group, we've played Italy, Spain and France this year so we know a lot more about Group A than Group B. We'll do our homework, just as they'll do against us.

uefa.com: How do you rate this year's squad?

There is definitely potential in the group. We've had a couple of defeats against Portugal, lost to France as well, it's been a big of a roller-coaster year to be honest but everything was always focused toward the Elite round, having got through a relatively difficult qualifying round group with Spain. All our attention was geared on getting the squad right for the Elite round. I think we did a good selection there, the lads were completely focused on that event. If we do the same again, who knows? There are some talented players but we have to focus as a team as well.

uefa.com: There should be some big crowds in the finals, especially when you play Germany on 9 May ...

If you can get lots of people there in the European Championship finals, it is a great occasion for the lads and something they'll look back on in their career in years to come and say it was great to be part of it. I hope it's a successful one but I hope they get a lot out of it from a personal development point of view, and I'm sure they will.

uefa.com: Several players you have taken to U17 finals have quickly made their name on the senior stage, what benefits does this tournament bring?

Getting them into world and European finals is crucial, that experience can only stand them in good stead in their long careers. To see the likes of [Daniel] Welbeck, and Theo Walcott who was in Italy in '05, without any doubt it is fantastic experience for them and it just goes to show that it is a foot on the ladder and hopefully we can keep climbing that ladder.

©uefa.com 1998-2009. All rights reserved.



但 這遲早都要寫,因為我發現兩年前在UEFA那邊的U-17資料已經不見很多了,有鑒於此我想了下還是當作是備份文備份下來好了,再加上今年歐少賽又是在德 國辦!其實我也想早點寫U-17的筆記,但是...反正我也不知道啦,莫名其妙地忙碌或是懶惰到不想寫,且重要資料我都丟在批踢踢萬或批兔個版,這邊寫文 又很不方便XD我想,這屆德國U-17的陣容是比上一屆世青賽﹝2007﹞時還要好很多很多,雖然上一屆也是有許多不錯的球員,像是我們家的小三八Tony Jantschke、現被租借到小拜的拜仁球員Toni Kroos、Sebastian Rudy、Richard Sukuta-Pasu und Dennis Dowidat等人,從07年歐少賽Patrick Funk還是U-17隊長到世少賽Toni Kroos當隊長,最後在半準決賽敗給了奈及利亞,到現在都已經過了兩年了...

時間真的過得好快喔,那個兩年前看起來很稚嫩的Funk也變成大帥哥了、在半準決賽哭得很慘的Rudy也在司圖加特一隊陣容中,還有那個曾在英超Bolton青年隊中的Kevin Wolze,現在回德甲加入了狼堡Wolfsburg!那一年有人說那一批球員真正能成大器的或許也沒幾個,但只要不要消失,我想機會總是有的:只是這些全都決定於球員本身啊。

2009 UEFA European Under-17 Championship

於德國舉辦的UEFA U-17決賽階段已在今日﹝Apr.03﹞下午抽完籤分完組,主辦國為德國,處於B組,同組對手還有土耳其、英格蘭以及荷蘭;A組則是西班牙、義大利、法國以及瑞士在同一組。

2009 UEFA European Under-17 Championship draw
Group A
(Dessau-Rosslau, Makranstadt, Grimma, Torgua, Sandersdorf, Taucha)
Group B
(Gera, Erfurt, Meuselwitz, Jena, Gotha)

Spain (holders) Germany (hosts)
Italy Turkey
Switzerland Netherlands

©uefa.com 1998-2009. All rights reserved.

比賽日期於五月六日至十八日,而決賽階段小組賽於五月十二日結束,五月十五日為半準決賽,決賽日為五月十八日。只要不是A、B組最後一名,歐洲區有 六個席次可以去參與2009奈及利亞世少賽。而這次在德國舉辦的決賽階段賽事共使用十三座球場、跨越三個德國境內三個聯邦州:Saxony、 Thuringia、Saxony-Anhalt,都是前東德屬地。Magdeburg的Stadion Magdeburg為決賽場地;在Dessau-RosslauPaul-Greifzu-Stadion與座落Grimma的Stadion der Freundschaft為半準決賽場地。


Trikot Name Geburtstag Verein Spiele Tore
12 04.03.1992 VfB Stuttgart 4 -
1 30.04.1992 Borussia M'gladbach 11 -
2 02.01.1992 1. FC Köln 12 -
4 10.10.1992 Hamburger SV 6 -
5 17.04.1992 Hamburger SV 11 3
6 13.04.1992 Bayer 04 Leverkusen 8 -
3 26.01.1992 1. FC Nürnberg 11 -
7 25.04.1992 FC Liverpool 5 1
10 03.06.1992 Borussia Dortmund 6 1
17 07.03.1992 VfB Stuttgart 5 1
14 24.02.1992 Borussia M'gladbach 13 -
13 04.02.1992 Bayer Leverkusen 9 1
19 11.03.1992 Werder Bremen 14 4
8 10.02.1992 1. FC Köln 12 -
18 16.06.1992 Karlsruher SC 12 -
11 21.12.1992 Hertha BSC Berlin 7 -
20 13.03.1992 VfL Wolfsburg 4 2
9 25.02.1992 Werder Bremen 13 6
       © DFB 06.05.2009


Elias Kachunga (Borussia M'gladbach) , Felix Klaus (SpVgg Greuther Fürth) , Christopher-Massamba Mandiangu (Borussia M'gladbach), Willi Evseev (Hannover 96) , Julian Korb (Borussia M'gladbach) , Mark Leinau (Hertha BSC Berlin) , Alexander Merkel (AC Mailand) , Maximilian Zimmer (Hertha BSC Berlin) , Patrick Bauer (VfB Stuttgart) , Tommy Grupe (FC Hansa Rostock) ,  Daniel von der Bracke (Bayer 04 Leverkusen) , Sebastian Vogl (Eintracht Frankfurt)


以下是十八人大名單中各個球員簡介「18 Toptalente für Deutschland」下面這一位為Marco Pezzaiuoli,本屆德國U-17教練,他將帶領這群1992年出生的球員們一直到青年層級的最高賽事﹝Maybe U-23?﹞,在德國國家青訓中,是以球員年次來決定帶這群球員的教練,而不是單一青年層級就會換一個教練~_~唉呦,就是教練會跟著球員們從U-17、U-18一直升到U-21更甚是U-23,而我要說!!這一屆U-17正好在2012年時會參與U-21歐青賽,所以他們也很有可能參與奧運:D

目前各個青年級別的教練我也提一下,U-15與U-17教練為Marco Pezzaiuoli、U-16為Stefan Böger、U-18為Frank Engel、U-19為Heiko Herrlich,他也是前年帶1990年出生的U-17德國隊殺進世少賽半準決賽的教練,反正他現在帶得U-19也是當年的U-17球員啦XD他很熟~而U-20/21的Horst Hrubesch則是在去年帶德國U-19獲得歐青賽冠軍[睽違十四年的青年級別冠軍啊TAT] 後,今年將要前往埃及參與世青賽!!!

Nach einer intensiven Vorbereitung startet Marco Pezzaiuoli mit der U 17-Nationalmannschaft am Mittwoch in die Europameisterschaft in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen - und hat dafür am Dienstag sein 18-köpfiges Aufgebot bekannt gegeben.

Zum Auftakt der Heim-EM spielen die DFB-Junioren ab 18.15 Uhr (live bei Eurosport) in Erfurt gegen die Türkei. Im weiteren Verlauf folgen am Samstag ab 14 Uhr (live bei Eurosport) in Jena das Duell mit England und am Dienstag, 12. Mai, an selber Stelle ab 17.45 Uhr (live bei Eurosport) die Partie gegen die Niederlande. Das Endspiel findet am Montag, 18. Mai, ab 11 Uhr (live bei Eurosport) in Magdeburg statt.

Da die DFB-Junioren meist nur Kennern de
s Nachwuchsfußballs in Deutschland bekannt sind, stellt DFB-Trainer Marco Pezzaiuoli exklusiv für DFB.de seine 18 Talente vor, die den EM-Titel holen sollen:

Bernd Leno (Tor, VfB Stuttgart)
Bernd ist ein ruhiger, besonnener Torhüter. Er hat eine gute Ausstrahlung und bewahrt die Ruhe. Im Eins-gegen-Eins hat er besondere Stärken und ist auch fußballspezifisch sehr gut ausgebildet.

Marc-André ter Stegen (Tor, Borussia Mönchengladbach)
Marc-Andre ist eine echte Persönlichkeit. Auch er ist stark im Eins-gegen-Eins und hat eine spezielle Ausstrahlung. Er ist als Torwart schon sehr weit in seiner Entwicklung.

Bienvenue Basala-Mazana (Abwehr, 1. FC Köln)

"Ben" kommt vor allem über seine enorme Schnelligkeit in die Spiele. Er nimmt in unserem Team eine absolute Führungsrolle ein und ist variabel auf fast allen Defensivpositionen einsetzbar.

Robert Labus (Abwehr, Hamburger SV)
Er ist ein Innenverteidiger, der vor allem technisch gut ausgebildet ist. Robert hat eine gute Spielübersicht und behält daher auf dem Platz immer die Ruhe.

Shkodran Mustafi (Abwehr, Hamburger SV)

Shkodran ist eine Persönlichkeit, ein absoluter Führungsspieler. Er ist anerkannt im Team, sein Wort hat Gewicht. Ihn zeichnet eine große Robustheit aus. Zudem ist er immer aggressiv und in der Offensive sogar torgefährlich.

Gerrit Nauber (Abwehr, Bayer Leverkusen)

Gerrit ist ein disziplinierter, professioneller Spieler, ein echter Musterschüler. Er arbeitet immer an sich und möchte sich weiterentwickeln. In der Mannschaft bringt er sich immer positiv ein, auf dem Platz ist er zudem sehr lautstark.

Marvin Plattenhardt (Abwehr, 1. FC Nürnberg)

Außerhalb des Spielfelds ist Marvin sehr ruhig, auf dem Platz besticht er durch seine Präsenz. Er verkörpert einen konsequenten, einfachen Spielstil, der sehr effektiv ist. Er ist ein wichtiger Teil unserer Mannschaft, der auf der linken Seite jede Position spielen kann.

Christopher Buchtmann (Mittelfeld, FC Liverpool)

Christopher ist ein echter Führungsspieler. Er kann eine Partie allein entscheiden, sowohl durch Pässe als auch durch seine Torgefährlichkeit. Er ist unser Engländer, und durch den FC Liverpool wurde er geprägt: Er ist ein aggressiver Typ, der die Mentalität der Briten verinnerlicht hat und nie aufgibt.

Mario Götze (Mittelfeld, Borussia Dortmund)

Mario ist ein echtes Schlitzohr. Er hat alle technischen und taktischen Fähigkeiten. Die Rolle als Spielgestalter kann er einnehmen und ist dabei immer torgefährlich.

Manuel Janzer (Mittelfeld, VfB Stuttgart)

Manuel zeichnet eine enorme Laufbereitschaft und ein großes Durchsetzungsvermögen aus. Er kann Tore erzielen, hat eine gute Technik und ist im Mittelfeld und in der Abwehr einsetzbar.

Yunus Malli (Mittelfeld, Borussia Mönchengladbach)

Yunus kommt auf den ersten Blick unscheinbar rüber. Aber er macht durch seine fußballerischen Qualitäten auf sich aufmerksam. Er ist ein technisch starker Spieler, der sich dank seiner Schnelligkeit immer wieder durchsetzen kann.

Niko Opper (Mittelfeld, Bayer Leverkusen)

Niko ist ein intelligenter Spieler. Wenn er sich weiter in die richtige Richtung entwickelt, kann er zum Führungsspieler reifen. Auch er strahlt Torgefahr aus dem Mittelfeld aus.

Florian Trinks (Mittelfeld, Werder Bremen)

Florian kann Spiele allein entscheiden. Er ist ein torgefährlicher, technisch feiner Spieler. Zudem verfügt er über eine hervorragende Spielübersicht.

Reinhold Yabo (Mittelfeld, 1. FC Köln)

Unser Kapitän - ein echter Führungsspieler. Außerhalb und innerhalb des Feldes gibt er den Ton an. Er bestimmt das Tempo und ist das Herz unseres Spiels.

Matthias Zimmermann (Mittelfeld, Karlsruher SC)
Matthias ist ein vielseitiger Spieler. Er hat eine besondere Aggressivität in sich. Diese versetzt ihn in die Lage, einen Gegner ausschalten zu können und sich dennoch in der Offensive einzuschalten. Das macht ihn zu einem wertvollen Spieler, der in der Abwehr und im Mittelfeld variabel einsetzbar ist.

Abu-Bakarr Kargbo (Angriff, Hertha BSC Berlin)

Bakarr ist ein ruhiger Zeitgenosse. Allerdings kann er im Spiel explodieren. Er ist unser jüngster Spieler, auch wenn er nicht so aussieht. Denn er ist sehr robust und athletisch.

Kevin Scheidhauer (Angriff, VfL Wolfsburg)

Kevin ist ein athletischer, robuster Spieler mit einer besonderen Dynamik. Er hat im Strafraum eine große Präsenz und ist immer torgefährlich.

Lennart Thy (Angriff, Werder Bremen)

Lennart ist eine Frohnatur und im Team ein absoluter Sympathieträger. Er ist ein Mannschaftsspieler, der sich für das Team aufopfert. Er hat bisher für uns die meisten Tore erzielt. Im Offensivspiel hat er große Qualitäten. Nach einer Außenbandverletzung ist er gerade rechtzeitig zum Turnierstart fit geworden.


UEFA.com訪問到舉辦國U-17教練Marco Pezzaiuoli,前文先提及自2004年開始舉辦任何一屆歐青賽的地主國從未贏得冠軍過,且德國青年隊上次奪冠是在1992年拿下U-16冠軍,或許Pezzaiuoli會終結這一系列的"魔咒"。Pezzaiuoli在當球員時從未代表過國家比賽,但在當教練這角色上他極為適任!以下是uefa訪問的內容,主要在提及他如何準備,在面對未來以及以前的比賽心態以及所需的事物為何:)

Pezzaiuoli puts forward Germany case

Thursday 2 April 2009 / by Matthias Rötters

No host nation has won the UEFA European Under-17 Championship since 2004, and Germany's last victory in the junior competition was in its U16 guise in 1992, but coach Marco Pezzaiuoli has been charged with ending both those runs in this year's finals from 6-18 May. The 40-year-old never played at the top level but has had more impact as a trainer, acting as caretaker coach at Karlsruher SC and working in South Korea. He took over the current Germany squad as U16s in summer 2007 and is optimistic about their chances, with their last friendly on 12 April against Bulgaria in Gera.

uefa.com: How are preparations going?

Marco Pezzaiuoli:
So far, so good! This year we've had five games – against Norway [1-0], Luxembourg [5-0], Scotland [1-0 away] and Ukraine [3-0 and 0-0]. From those games we won four, drew one and didn't concede a single goal. I'm very satisfied with that.

uefa.com: Between the summer and the new year, things didn't look quite so good; there were only two wins in nine outings, with three draws and four defeats...

Looking back, I would consider those games to be part of a rebuilding phase. We played against top teams, such as Italy, Spain or the Netherlands, and were never overwhelmed; they were all close-run matches with marginal results. We learned a lot from those games.

uefa.com: What has made the difference since then?

We had a very large squad in 2008, many players were used and we tried out quite a few things. That's all different now; everyone has got to know one another better and a real team spirit has developed. The team is gelling more from match to match.

uefa.com: Admittedly the games have only been friendlies – as hosts, your side qualified for the European Championship automatically. Is that a disadvantage?

It's both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand we are under less pressure at the moment and can experiment more. On the other hand, in friendly games, a distinct element of tension is missing. When things finally get under way we'll know more.

uefa.com: That will be the opening game on 6 May. What are your team's hopes?

The anticipation is massive. We've worked long and hard for this and naturally want to go as far as possible – preferably to the final. We may be lacking the technical qualities of the Spanish, but you need more than just that to win. The fans will definitely get to see some very strong teams.

uefa.com: They should get behind your team too. How valuable is that home advantage?

That's difficult to say. For teams in this age group the weight of expectation, and the ever-increasing pressure, can become a disadvantage. From the U19s onwards, the players start to understand how to make use of such an advantage. [The coaching staff] must show the team how to make use of the energy created by the crowd.

uefa.com: What is the key to taking the European Championship title?

A great deal of effort, self-confidence, respect for every opponent and absolute will to force luck when need be.

©uefa.com 1998-2009. All rights reserved.


球迷K 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


我原本不想先弄的[畢竟還有U-20、上一屆U-17的成員要看XD],但一看到Alex Shinsky我就...他好可愛喔~是說,那個Orozco是......不會是那個誰的弟弟吧!?不會吧?
Perry Kitchen是U-17隊長,雖說他現在是平頭,留起頭髮來我應該會暈死在電腦前!超級受...因為這樣也讓我找到這屆美國U-17我必看的正太了(毆)Alex Shinsky、Perry Kitchen以及Jack McInerney!

我愛isiphotos XD 剛看到Shinsky跟McInerney站在一起合照真是太可愛了~~

[Apr. 27,2009]

令人遺憾的消息,在代表中北美洲的四個代表出爐後,CONCACAF總監Chuck Blazer於四月二十七日宣佈剩下的比賽:半準決賽、決賽以及季軍戰全面終止。

「基於墨西哥政府的動作,我們CONCACAF對於參賽的選手、人員以及球迷的健康也有所責任。"Based on the actions of the Mexican government, Concacaf responded to safeguard the health of players, officials and fans,"」

因此次舉辦地為墨西哥Tijuana,但由於目前於墨西哥境內的豬流感﹝Swine Influenza - CDC:Swine Flu and You﹞災情日益擴大,再加上代表隊伍已確定,為了保護球員、隨隊人員以及球迷們的健康,不得已才終止剩下的賽程。今天美國U-17將會回到佛羅里達Bradenton,球員以及人員們會在經過一段時間休息後回復到未參與比賽時所作得訓練以及課程,Under-17 Residency Program也將持續進行其課程。

God Bless America.

這次代表中北美洲參與2009年奈及利亞U-17世少賽「2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup」的各是:美國(USA)、哥斯大黎加(Costa Rica)、宏都拉斯(Honduras)以及墨西哥(Mexico)。

[Apr. 16,2009]

美國足協於四月十六日公佈參與在墨西哥舉辦得2009年CONCACAF U-17青年錦標賽20人名單「Cabrera Names 20-Player Roster For 2009 CONCACAF Under-17 Championship From April 21-May 2 in Tijuana, Mexico」:

USA U-17 SQUAD By Position

GOALKEEPERS (2): Earl Edwards (Nomads SC; San Diego, Calif.), Spencer Richey (Crossfire Premier; Seattle, Wash.)

DEFENDERS (7): Zachary Herold (West Pines United FC; Port St. Lucie, Fla.),Perry Kitchen (Chicago Magic AS Monaco; Indianapolis, Ind.), Emilio Orozco (Rampage FC; Oxnard, Calif.), Tyler Polak (Capital Soccer Academy; Lincoln,Neb.), Alex Shinsky (Super Nova FC; York, Pa.), Jared Watts (North Meck SC;Statesville, N.C.), Eriq Zavaleta (FC Pride; Westfield, Ind.)

MIDFIELDERS (6): Andrew Craven ( First Coast Kicks; St. Simons Island, Ga.), Bryan Duran (Latino Americana; Duncanville, Texas), Luis Gil (Pateadores; Garden Grove, Calif.), Sebastian Lletget (Santa Clara SC; South San Francisco, Calif), Carlos Martinez (Wilmington Jr.; San Pedro, Calif.),Nicholas Palodichuk (Washington Premier FC; Battleground, Wash.)

FORWARDS (5): John Agudelo (New York Red Bulls; Barnegat, N.J.), Dustin Corea (East Side United FC; Milwaukee, Ore.), Joseph Gyau (FC DELCO; SilverSprings, Md.), Stefan Jerome (West Pines United; FC Davie, Fla.), Jack McInerney (Cobb SC; Alpharetta, Ga.)

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