Photo from NBC

最近在花滑版看到太多新聞,一直到今天我才有機會好好把一整場冬奧男子單人花式滑冰中的自由滑比賽看完。版上倒是有一篇NBC新聞是在講說加拿大選手陳偉群﹝Patrick Chan﹞表示「Chan to Weir: Be professional in the Kiss and Cry 」的爭議文章。

當然有人是說Weir這樣作沒什麼不對,這樣才是他,我也同意。但整場比賽看下來,Chan會這樣講,對此我是不知道大家怎麼想這件事啦。若是在男單FS中有看完所有二十四位選手的表現後你一定會發現一件事,而這件事只有Johnny Weir打破這不成文且大家都默許遵守的規定:他將觀眾送得東西帶上等待評分的鏡頭前

所有,除了Weir以外的選手在下冰前收到的東西都會在下冰時被工作人員收到一邊,Artem Borodulin收到一隻白色的Cheburashka也是被收到旁邊,Brezina也是,Amodio也是。我雖然很不喜歡Chan,但是這件事我不得不說我要對事不對人。不是因為他戴起來就是不是Weir的問題,而是他破壞了其他二十三位選手一直在遵守的不成文規則,如此而已,個人只是覺得Chan會這樣說是因為Weir這樣很不得體或是很不尊重主辦單位。


In an interview with the on Friday, 19-year-old Patrick Chan gave his take on the "dos and don'ts" of the Kiss and Cry area where athletes await their scores after performing.

"It is awkward. It's an awkward time," Chan said. "You don't want to look upset but then again you're upset and sometimes you're so happy- it's hard. It's a weird thing - it's one of the weird things about figure skating."

Asked if he ever received any training on the way to act in the Kiss and Cry area, the Toronto athlete said no, but pointed to a moment in Thursday's free skate competition when some of the unspoken rules of the Kiss and Cry area was, in his opinion, broken.

"If you were watching yesterday, Johnny Weir put the flowers on (his) head," Chan said.

"That's like a big no-no. You don't do that. You have to have some kind of professionalism and that's just kind of- you're making fun and you know, giving it a bad image, I think, in my mind.

"It's something that you don't do. You're supposed to be proper."

Friday's interview was not the first time Chan has spoken up about the actions of a fellow skater.

Chan was the object of some scrutiny at the 2009 World Figure Skating Championships for a comment he made to the media aimed at French skater Brian Joubert. Chan said Joubert should stop complaining about the lack of quadruple jumps performed by his competitors.

Later, he said he had learned a valuable lesson about watching what he said, but he didn't regret speaking his mind.

"Some people said it's good, some people said it was bad," Chan said of the message he sent to Joubert, "But I think it's something that I had to get out."


我當然是不怎麼喜歡且還稱得上是討厭Chan,但是他講Weir也沒什麼,就是因為只有Weir這樣就算是後輩又怎樣?Chan是加拿大人今天比賽在自己家辦,連自己都遵守自己家的規定,其他人呢?不成文規定是種默契,或許破壞這默契當然是不會被扣分還是怎樣的,但?難道就因為這位被講得人比講人的人還要資深所以就不能講這件事嗎?那我換一個說法:連前輩Plushenko都遵守了,那Johnny Weir呢?


Patrick Chan講Johnny Weir戴花圈到評分等待區的新聞就是像這樣,全部都講說Chan不能這樣批評是不對的,因為每個人都沒帶任何觀眾送的東西到等待區內,包括地主國也沒有,Weir這樣作當然是會被講話的。兩邊都有所堅持,為什麼有人就單單只論Chan沒資格講這種話,但卻不多想想他為何會這樣講?



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