
Ruben Blommaert

Official Site

Ruben Blommaert,一九九二年三月五日生於比利時Brugge,目前身高一百七十公分,還會再長高。且他有參加二零零八年歐洲錦標賽,是這一屆歐錦賽中年紀最小的一位!!教練是Silvie De Rijcke,而Blommaert有位同卵雙胞胎兄弟Sander,他不像許多在滑冰界的兄弟一樣同有在滑冰的,Sander進入 Antwerp當地的芭蕾學校,且那也是比利時境內最好的一間芭蕾學校。

Ruben是從六歲開始學滑冰,跟很多選手一樣XD他們都是從電視上看到冰上運動後想上冰,Ruben說他喜歡滑雪,但是在Brugge的冰場沒有斜坡,所以他只好改學滑冰...在AS裡有一篇於2006年以前﹝2004年﹞訪問比利時目前的滑冰選手中便有訪問到Ruben:「The great skating talents of Belgium

How did you get into skating?
I started skating when I was 6 years old. I liked watching it on TV but I also liked skiing. I live in Brugge and there is a skating rink there but no ski slopes so I ended up choosing skating.

How did you feel about being invited to skate with the Stars on Ice?
I was really honored and very thrilled to get the chance to skate with all these great people! They have all been World and Olympic champions so I really enjoy being able to share the ice with them. I will skate my short program but also a special program together with Kevin van der Perren.
Who is your skating idol?
Kevin of course! He has great jumps and combinations and I can learn a lot from him. I feel very honored to skate with him again. I used to train with him when we were both coached by Linda van Troyen. But then he moved to the US to skate with Morozov and I went on to Sylvie, she coaches at the rink in Gent, which is the closest to Brugge. Kevin is still helping me a bit too, helping me with difficult parts and correcting my mistakes. I really enjoy having such a great skater teaching me.

What is your biggest dream in figure skating?
My biggest dream is to be just like Kevin and Stefan Lindemann and achieve good placements at the European and World championships. I would really dig that.

Then he’s off again. At the tender age of 12, Ruben is already an accomplished show man and charmed the audience with fast footwork, jumps and unbeatable charisma. He was enjoying himself and was cheered on by the crowd who loved his performances.



我看到Ruben Blommaert 又將與Kevin van der Perren共用一位教練:Perren與他共事五年的教練Vera Vandecaveye分別,轉投Silvie de Rijcke﹝Ruben的教練= =﹞!喵喵喵,有種越來越討厭Perren的感覺﹝本來就不是很欣賞他了﹞,雖然以前Ruben跟他就有共事過,但Perren離開原本帶他的教練的理由全都是因為他那個交往已久、現在已經是他妻子的英格蘭滑冰選手Jenna McCorkell的關係。

是說,2006年時Ruben也有在IceDome練習,可他也跑去西班牙練習:「The new hope of Belgium – Ruben Blommaert」在這篇中便有Ruben...十四歲時的模樣。


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