
 喔喔喔!我要說恭喜我們家米夏拿下ISU大獎賽義大利站冠軍!!且他也因拿下義大利以及法國站冠軍後確定能參加十二月在南韓舉辦的大獎賽﹝Junior Grand Prix Final﹞決賽!米夏拿下雙冠王耶:D

 Mikhailov landed a triple flip-triple toe combination in his short program, an element that earned him 10.25 points, while Brezina nailed the opening triple Axel in his "Sing Sing Sing" short program.

Brezina picked an excellent time to come up with a career-best free skate, which is skated to a Latin dance mix and a piece of music by the Danish percussion group Safri Duo. His protocol sheet from the program is a thing of beauty -- not a single negative GOE to be found anywhere. He landed seven clean triple jumps, including an opening triple Axel-double toe followed by a triple Lutz and a triple flip-triple toe. His spins and step sequence were all graded Level 3 and above.

The win clinches a spot for Brezina in December's Junior Grand Prix Final in Goyang City, South Korea, and moves him from outside the top 20 to No. 14 in this week's icenetwork.com World Figure Skater Rankings.

[純粹取Michal Brezina的長短曲Judges Scores 出來作個記錄。]




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這幾天一直困擾我的花式滑冰﹝Figure Skating﹞新聞有好有壞,說多也不多,但最震撼的還是Jeffrey Buttle在十日時舉辦記者會宣布他從冰上競賽中退休。[其他一些雜事就是Verner的花邊新聞啦、Brezina拿下ISU Junior Grand Prix大獎賽義大利站的冠軍之類的,晚點再來說這幾件事。]

Jeffrey Buttle是2008年世錦賽男子單人滑冰金牌得主,今年的世界冠軍,也是2006年都靈冬奧銅牌得主。但在大家都覺得他會為2010年冬運金牌努力 時、Buttle的新曲目以及參加賽程都已排出來時,九月十日這一天他在記者會上說他自此之後自冰上競賽中退休,也就是我們再也看不到他活躍於ISU所辦 得賽事中。

拿出幾篇報導中他對媒體是這麼回答的「Jeffrey Buttle retires from figure skating」:

"在我從拿下世錦賽冠軍後幾個月,我逐漸從當時那高亢的情緒中回復後,我決定要好好看看那些我已經完成的事。(After a few months, and after I recovered from the high, I decided to look at everything I've accomplished)"

"之後我便下了這決定,且我必須確定我是否真的為我已完成的這些事感到自豪且滿足,是的,我深信如此。(And coming to this decision, I had to make sure that I was proud and satisfied with everything that I've done. At that point, I was sure.)"

"這決定的確是我內心交戰許久。我必須去了解到什麼事物是我真正想要的。(That was definitely the battle that was going on in my mind. I had to figure out if that was something that I really wanted)"


"在世錦賽後,我當時真的很高興能夠贏得勝利,但這也使我了解到對我來說2010年將在 Vancouver舉拜的冬奧的確是重要非凡,但是否能取得勝利對我來說不是那麼重要。(After the world championship, I was so happy with winning that I had to reflect on how important that was to me and having the Olympics here in Vancouver is important to me but winning them wasn't. It just wasn't in my heart.)"

對Jeffrey來說,他想將他的學位拿到,並在未來參與一些職業演出,他會繼續以不同的方式為加拿大冰壇獻出自 己的心力。最後Jeffrey說到了他在這幾年以來參與競賽後的感想:「能夠在世界各地代表加拿大滑冰上場比賽對我來說是莫大光榮。我在這過程中有許許多 多支持者,我會永遠感激這些支持我的人、我的教練,當然,還有我的家人。」

Jeffrey Buttle想退休的念頭不是在衝動或是靈光一閃所下的匆促決定,在CANADIAN PRESS的報導「Buttle retires after realizing chasing gold in Vancouver 'wasn't in my heart'」中提到Buttle在這個夏天一邊排練他的四圈跳:這個在他曲目中一直缺少的因子外,他還為自己的決定詢問了許多人:Kurt Browning、Brian Orser等人......

Jeffrey說他這一個夏天跟以往沒什麼不同,不因自己有著這念頭而不練習或是改變了什麼,但他感覺到他好像少了什麼東西...而thestar.com中也提到他下這決定的原因「Canada's Buttle retires as world figure skating champ」:

"[...] 下退休這決定對我來說的確是困難的,但事實上,也只是停止了要去Vancouver參加冬奧的事而已,這也就是為什麼我仍在這夏天練習的原因。我下這決定的主要原因也在於此,參與奧運不應成為我在冰上繼續競賽的唯一動力,我應該要更忠於自己。( it's what made this decision so difficult," Buttle said. "In fact, the only thing that was stopping it was Vancouver. That's why I gave myself the buffer of taking time this summer. But I came to the conclusion that the Olympics shouldn't be the only motivating factor, that I should be true to myself.)"

這期間有不算少地加拿大媒體提出對Buttle退休的看法:Vancouver Sun-「Buttle listened to his heart」、「Jeff Buttle lets us know life has so many different paths」、The Province - 「Buttle's retirement a shocker」、National Post -「Buttle retires as world champion」、Canwest News Service -「Buttle retires as world champion」......下面是記者會片段:)

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