
雖然我現在只要一上臉書就能夠看到Alex的新聞或是近況以及一些影片﹝其實還有Regina也是﹞,但就是很懶得弄上來。Alex在挪威早就出專輯了喔~且我也聽了不下百次,絕對沒有誇張...這首歌算是專輯中我很喜歡的一首歌,也是他主打之一─主打當然是在莫斯科的成星曲Fairytale─Funny Little World!!

Rybak現在是在歐洲作一系列的演出,目前還是以東歐作為主要巡迴點之一。這半年多以來其實多多少少看了不少關於Alex的評論或是說他也不是Eurovision中唱得最出色的一位,像Sasha Son就唱得比他好,其實也不用太苛責,前一年冠軍不也被人說是...嗯反正歌也很芭樂?﹝尤其是MV,真的很肥皂。﹞但大家就愛看啊,就喜歡啊;反言之Alex是不是所有Eurovision參賽者中唱得最好的是一回事,他就讓很多人喜歡他嘛,就很大眾化嘛。

我覺得法國唱香頌的也不錯啊,亞美尼亞Inga & Anush姊妹花也唱得超棒,她們倆在唱歌上的技巧根本就沒人能比得上她們,我也為她們不是真的很受到肯定而有點遺憾;愛沙尼亞的Sandra Nurmsalu除了很正跟輕柔的歌聲外還有嗎?或許比起來我還更喜歡塞浦路斯的Christina Metaxa,還有波蘭的Lidia Kopania,其實她唱得也很不錯...這本來就很主觀嘛,我就愛正太愛正妹愛可愛小女生,歌只要別唱太爛都OK,是不是會喜歡他一輩子我不保證,但很確定的是我曾經很喜歡那些事物,因為喜歡那些事物而讓自己看到更多以往不曾見識過的,這或許就是我喜歡的事物具有的共同特點。

來看Alexander Rybak的Funny Little World,當然Alex依舊是濃眉大眼超可愛的喔喔喔喔~他是個很有禮貌的小孩呢:D

Funny Little World

Suddenly I'm famous,
and people know my name.
I've got a thousand girls just waiting,
and therefore it's a shame
that my heart has been captured
by your funny little smile.
And finally I'm happy,
if only for a while.

People call me stupid,
for treating you like a queen.
But I don't even worry,
'cause you're my unforeseen
And I hope that you'll be with me,
if only in my dreams.
But here you are next to me,
and you're glad, or so it seems.

And I don't know for shure
where this is going.
Still I hope for more, and more.
'Cause who would know that you
would treat me like a boy,
and I treat you like a girl,
in this funny little world.

Don't promise me for ever,
just love me day by day.
No one knows the future,
we're young, but that's OK.
'Cause you'll allways be a part of me,
whatever life will bring.
And people have to bear with you,
this silly song i sing.

Your boyfriends might be angry,
my girlfriends might be blue.
But no one can deny it,
from now on I love you.
I have to say it's new to me,
this feeling in my heart.
Guess i've been kind of lonely,
and you've been kind of smart.

And I don't know for shure
where this is going.
Still I hope for more, and more.
'Cause who would know that you
would treat me like a boy,
and I treat you like a girl,
in this funny little world.

And I don't know for shure
where this is going.
Still I hope for more, and more.
'Cause who would know that you
would treat me like a boy,
and I treat you like a girl,
in this funny little world.

This funny little world.

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這次德國ZDF跟俄羅斯Первый Канал﹝1 Channel﹞、HD Спорт﹝HD Sport﹞、НТВ+﹝NTV+﹞三間轉播單位的鏡頭完全相反,難怪,我在德甲版開+看轉播文時才看到某位版友說這次的鏡頭是拍球員席,就覺得奇怪,我明明看到的鏡頭就是從球員席背後拍得啊!我說真的,這場除非是看俄羅斯的頻道,要不應該都是跟ZDF同一邊?這就要請有看這場比賽的人來說了,因為我是看НТВ+轉播的。ZDF在賽前還請Oliver Kahn來講評。ZDF這樣照,這樣就很容易照到球員席後方的正VIP席耶,平時都看不太到...但球員席也被推向前太多了吧!!之前是在草皮後方三公尺耶...

不過沒差,反正這四個轉播我全都有看...= =a且我昨天還把ZDF跟HD Спорт兩家比賽放在一起看,喔~

Russland (Russia / РОССИЯ)
Akinfeev - Anyukov,Ignashevich,V. Berezutskiy,Zhirkov - Bystrov,Denisov,Zyryanov,Semshov - Kerzhakov,Arshavin
Trainer: Hiddink

Deutschland (Germany / Германия)

R. Adler - J. Boateng,Mertesacker,Westermann,Lahm - Ballack ,Rolfes - Schweinsteiger,Özil,Podolski - Klose
Trainer: Löw

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