帥呀老皮XD皮奇教練在鑑長Bob Bradley離開Chivas USA接任國家隊教練後接下帥印,迄今累積戰積為十一勝六敗三平!不過說真的耶,難不成Chivas USA高層的專長就是很會找教練嗎!!!Bob Bradley已經算是很變態的教練了﹝看他的頭就知道:P這隻是厲害角色。﹞,沒想到又來了個Preki!!

不過Chivas USA球員短傳做得很扎實且默契都很不錯,沒有那種高空神經病似的傳球XD我看了他們對上銀河隊整場比賽後更加確定...沙夏啦、葛林朵、拉薩夫這幾個人玩同樣的技倆都玩不膩,且對方都被耍得團團轉!怎樣的技倆?就像Razov傳給沙夏的這一球一樣!Chivas的中場跟鋒線呢常用這招,超卑鄙的好不好!XD可是我還滿愛這招的 科科科,中場跟後衛群則是W型傳球:P

下面是FoxSoccer的訪問稿,MLS這週在Chivas USA勝了RSL後有做專訪跟ExtraTime電訪。

Preki pushing all the right buttons in L.A.

Keith Costigan

When Bob Bradley left Chivas USA to take over with the U.S. national team, the club began looking for a new coach to continue its run after a successful season in 2006.

They decided to give former assistant Preki his first head-coaching position on the back of his incredible playing career. It was a gamble but it has paid off so far, with Chivas flying high in the Western Conference and Preki one of the favorites for Coach of the Year award.

I got the chance to sit down with the former U.S. international and talk about the season so far and his hopes for the future.

Costigan: A first job as head-coach is always difficult, but was it harder replacing Bob Bradley, who has such a great track record?

Preki: It was always going to be difficult to step into the shoes of a coach like Bob who has been a tremendous coach in this league for a long time. He also did a tremendous job with this team last year, so it was definitely going to be a challenge, but I love a challenge and so far it has worked out really well.

KC: Coming into this season what were your expectations for this team and did you set any goals for the year?

Preki: I did not set the team any specific goals for the season. From the first day, I tried to get this group of players to understand the potential here, if we all worked together and the mentality was right. It was my opinion, that if we did this, then we would be successful and would not have to set goals.

KC: Watching Chivas play, you can see how everybody works hard together and there is no real superstar. Is that a help that no one player stands above the team, like we see at other MLS clubs.

Preki: Of course I think this is a good thing for us. If you look at the best clubs in the world like Liverpool, Chelsea and Manchester United, the emphasis is on eleven guys going on to the field and working hard for each other as a team. It is the same in MLS with successful teams like D.C. United, Houston and New England, building their success on the same foundations and that is what I am trying to create here.

KC: Earlier in the season you released Amado Guevara, a player who you gave up your designated player spot for. Can you talk to us about this situation and how you saw it, especially as it was so early into your coaching career?

Preki: When Amado first came here I tried to let him know that no one player would come above the team and he would be expected to work hard and be a part of the team. It was obvious he had all the playing qualities, but after three or four games it was clear to me that he was not willing to put the work in, to compliment his skills, and that made it easy for me to make the decision to let him go.

KC: How much of a pleasant surprise has the play of Maykel Galindo been for you this year?

Preki: I think that he has surprised everybody else with his play, but we knew going into the season what qualities Maykel brought to the table. He is very mobile and fast and our main question then was: Could he score goals at this level? He has now shown he can do that with ten goals already and I am sure he will get a few more before the end of the year.

KC: As a former player you will know that there are moments in a game that can define a season. In the last Super Classico there was an incident between Jesse Marsch and David Beckham, and your team really got together and showed solidarity. They then came out firing and absolutely hammered Los Angeles. Was that one of those defining moments for your team?

Preki: Our team knows that when we step on the field it is important that we stay together and back each other up 100%. Now there were certainly parts of that scuffle that, as a coach, you could not be happy about, but on the day we stuck together and on the day it seemed to spur us on and we won the game.

KC: You have been really successful up to this point, so just how far can this team go this year?

Preki: We are playing well now but we don't want to get ahead of ourselves and look too far down the road. I am always very honest with my team and I let them know that they will go as far as they want to go. We know we have the quality now and if we want to go up another level then it is up to us, as a team, to challenge ourselves.

KC: Some great players have found it hard to translate that over to the coaching side of the game. How have you managed to do it successfully?

Preki: I really can't speak for anyone else, but for me it was always about setting a tone and mentality for my team from day one. If you can get the players to buy into this then you have a chance at being really successful. So far my group has bought into my system and that is why we have done well to this point.

KC: With the great job you have done, some people have mentioned you as a possible Coach of the Year candidate. How does that make you feel?

Preki: That is nice but that is up to other people to talk about. I really don't like talking about myself and I am just trying to focus on my locker-room so we can continue to be successful for the rest of the season.

Fox Soccer Channel's Keith Costigan writes about American soccer for FOXSoccer.com, and contributes his blog to interact with his fans.

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