不管是Verner也好、 Adrian Schultheiss也罷,這群人所處的國家使用的語言並不是很通用的共通語:不是英文、西文、德文或法文俄文,更別說是中文。這時要得到他們這群冰上少年的資料或是近況,真的沒想像中簡單,況且....滑冰這運動並不是很盛行:我看足球或是還有其他語言可輔佐,但這些少年們的資料....多半還是的倚靠那些身為當地人且英文不錯的花滑迷靠著熱情來提供這些資料。

Adrian Schultheiss在世錦賽結束後,動了左腿的小手術,且新的長曲﹝Free Skating﹞也找Igor Luytikov編舞。但Schultheiss選得大賽站是最早進行的美國站與最晚進行的日本站,可能是為了要調整新長曲作的準備吧~_~畢竟長曲基本上會用個兩年,且難度會比較高。﹝跟一年一換短曲相較。﹞

我喔,扣除會關注Berntsson是因為有Verner在之外,比較在意的選手非Schutheiss莫屬,瑞典那邊對於滑冰也不是說極度重視,很多新聞真的要找也沒地方找= =我也只知道幾個比較重要的新聞網站﹝語文隔閡我已經認了...﹞像是SvD Svenska Dagbladet﹝大前年找諾貝爾獎資料時會看。﹞跟一些莫名其妙.se結尾的網站....但滑冰的新聞還是少得可憐。


New interview with Adrian Schultheiss

Read here about Adrian's impressions of WCH in his home-town, about his new program and plans for summer and about operation in his foot.

- 2008年世錦賽是在你所居住的城市:Göteborg舉辦,你在這次比賽中印象最深刻的是?
- 舉辦單位作得很不錯,但我個人對世錦賽的宣傳廣告卻有些不滿,他們作得不夠好...他們在瑞典各處都作足了世錦賽的廣告:但上面出現的人是 Kristoffer 跟Viktoria,卻沒有我!我因此而感到非常失望,他們也知道這件事,因為我有跟訪問我的媒體說,但我卻沒收到任何回覆......


- 關於之前日本公開盃的比賽,你對你那場比賽所得到的分數有什麼看法?

- 說一說關於你所動得手術...
- 我動了左腳的手術,因為之前在點冰跳時受了傷。但手術後復原的狀況不錯,且會變得更好。三週過後,現在我開始進行日復一日的簡單復健與走路,我也開始上冰並且在下冰後也展開一些練習。

- 關於新賽季的新節目你有什麼點子?
- 我將會換掉我的長曲,但我會保留短曲。新長曲都已經編排完成,我對新曲目非常期待與欣喜。我與Igor Luytikov一起共事,他曾在許多國家表演過,是前俄羅斯的滑冰選手與舞者,而我的教練跟他是朋友,所以就邀請Igor幫我編排並給予我許多靈感使我進步,而這討論出來的結果非常成功。我的新長曲是找那種年代較久遠但卻富有現代風格的音樂,且有再混音過,就像把我短曲曲子加入許多小提琴與鼓聲,所以並不盡然相同。

- 你夏天的計劃是要怎樣過呢?
- 首先,我將休息與復健兩星期,之後我會參與在Säffle的團隊一週、這之後會在那裡參與上冰的訓練為期兩週左右。而我自己又有排兩週的假期,我在八月時會去奧地利與義大利,之後會再去美國與Morosov共事兩週。而Igor Luytikov也會在那裡,所以我將有機會與其他頂尖的選手們一起練習。之後便是國家隊的集訓與賽季即將開始...

New interview with Adrian Schultheiss

Read here about Adrian's impressions of WCH in his home-town, about his new program and plans for summer and about operation in his foot.

-WCH 2008 was in Göteborg, your home city. What are your impressions from that event?
- Organization was very good, on high level. But I’m not satisfied with the advertisement. They did a bad job in my opinion. They had advertisement  and such things everywhere for WCH in Sweden with Kristoffer and Viktoria, but not with me. I was very disappointed because of that. They knew about that, because I said it to newspapers, but I did not receive any answer.

Concerning competition I’m very satisfied. I showed good skating in both short and free program. I was scared because the crowd was so crazy , but after all it felt so good, it could not have been much better at that moment. I would like to thank the crowd for the support.

 -Retell about the competition Japan Open. What was the point of this competition, your thoughts about it?
 -It was a good experience and good skaters were there. But it was hard, because I landed in Japan the day before the competition, so it was hard to get used to the time difference and I was extremely tired after the long flight.

 -Tell me about the operation in your foot.
 -I had an operation in my left foot because I got pain while jumping toeloop. Concerning surgery everything went good and it’s getting better and better. I started the  same day to walk and easy rehab and in 3 weeks I will start slow on ice and off ice practice.

 -What ideas do you have about your new programs for the new season?
 - I have changed my free program and I will keep the short. The free program is done and I’m really happy with it,  it’s very new and exciting. I worked with Igor Luytikov. He works with shows in many countries. He is from Russia, a former skater and dancer. My coach is his friend, so he invited Igor to work with me. Igor gave me much inspiration and made me move more on the ice. The work was very successful. The type of music of my new program is like modern style of some old musik, a dj version, similar to my short with a lot of violin and drums and so on, but anyhow not the same.

-Would you tell us about your plans for this summer?
-First, I will rest and rehab for 2 more weeks. After that I go to Säffle physical camp for one week, and after that an ice camp for another 2 weeks there. Then I will have 2 weeks of vacation and will go to Austria and Italy to rest. In August  I will go to USA for 2 weeks and work with Morosov. Igor Luytikov will be there and I will have an opportunity to practice with other good skaters. After that it’s national camp and beginning of season.

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