EURO2008 - Group B  Austria 0:1 Germany

歐洲國家盃B組最後一場比賽,攸關地主國是否能晉級的比賽中發生了這段說小不小但也很引人注目的插曲:奧地利教練Josef Hickersberger與德國隊教練Joachim Löw於四十分時被逐出場。

兩位教練都說自己沒離開教練區,他們在教練區中對球員下指示是合法的,但是?Hickersberger說他不懂為什麼fourth official一直要他冷靜下來?!難道他在教練區內對自己的球員大吼有錯嗎?


Damir Skomina
是這場比賽的Fourth official,他在比賽中一直請Hickersberger冷靜下來﹝然後我們在轉播中可以看到原本站在場邊大吼的Hickersberger回到座位上坐著﹞,之後Hickersberger又在場邊對球員下指令←請注意,他一直都在那區塊內,Loew也是在場邊下指令的人,重點就來了!這位Fourth official就傳訊息給現在在場上的西班牙籍裁判Manuel Mejuto,裁判暫時中止了這場比賽並且在這時走近場邊並請兩位教練出場。

且在上面影片中可以很清楚地看到,Loew相罵的對象應該是Fourth official,然後Hickersberger也對這位第四裁判的舉動不滿才跑到德國隊的教練區塊中:若真的單單只是因為Hickersberger越過教練區而被趕出場,那Loew在一開始Hickersberger踏入那區塊中就應對Hickersberger有所反應,而不是繼續跟Damir Skomina相罵。

這件事並不是兩位教練間的衝突,而是Damir Skomina認為兩位教練有失序舉動所以跟Manuel Mejuto說,並且請他們兩位教練出場。ˋ(′~‵")ˊ這年頭在場邊下指令還會被驅逐出場,那要教練區幹嘛?!

yahoo.eurosport 的一篇新聞中也有提到,Loew這樣對路透社Reuters及其他媒體說:

The reason for the referee's decision was not immediately apparent but Loew put the blame for the dispute on the fourth official, Damir Skomina of Slovenia, who he said was unfairly preventing Hickersberger from instructing his players.

"I saw the situation with Josef Hickersberger and tried for the umpteenth time to calm down the fourth referee," Loew said.

"But we're the coaches, we just want to be able to work in our coaching zone and do our job, give instructions to the players. That's our job. The referee then ejected us."

He denied either had left the 'coaching zone', a technical area marked off by the side of the pitch for use by the coaches.

請見紅字部份,試問一下若單單只是兩位教練在場上吵架,那茅頭一致對向Damir Skomina不是很奇怪嗎?Loew跟Hickersberger若真的在場上吵到可以被驅逐出場,那為什麼會有上面這兩段話?這是英文報導,德文報導我也看了不少,幾乎都是在講第四裁判的判決及舉動:究竟錯的是誰啊?

"I didn't leave the coaching zone. I was only trying to explain to the fourth referee that we wanted to give our instructions," added Loew. "We're in an important match and we want to get into the quarter-finals."

Hickersberger said: "I have experienced a lot, but nothing like that -- normally I did something wrong but this time round I don't know why the fourth referee called the top referee (Mejuto) and sent Yogi (Joachim) Loew and myself off.

"We probably coached too excessively, we did our job too often. There were no insults, neither from Yogi Loew nor from myself, towards the four gentlemen.

"But the gods in black have spoken and we need to heed their judgement. Of course, it is easier to send a trainer off the bench than to judge correctly on an offside or a foul."


Hickersberger三不五時就被勸回座位,看得很心疼耶,站在教練區中對球員下指令有什麼錯?哪一隊不是這樣的?Damir Skomina這裁判說實在很莫名其妙。

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